System Administration

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Select 4IT

System Administration

“Select” helps you create and manage network user accounts for new, existing, and former users within your organization. our IT strategies grant having remote access to your work environment. 

Core Level


Domain controller

A server that responds to security authentication requests within a Windows Server domain. It is a server on your operating system ( Windows, Linux, etc.) that is responsible for allowing host access to Windows domain resources.

Antivirus server

An “ antivirus server” secures protection to all connected devices. That server only needs an update to the antivirus program and the connected devices get updated from that server, not from the internet which is a cost-effective method.

File server

We encompass both the hardware & the software needed to implement that server. Dedicated storage of all users’ shareable files (such as text, image, sound, video) to be shared. It allows allocation of authority i.e. who can access the file, who can edit, view, read, comment ...etc.

Mail domain

Purchasing a domain name for your website, then you have the ability to use that domain for your email addresses. Creating a custom professional email is easy with your hosting provider; Select.


Select supports both the hardware & the software “firewall” to be used in the network & system. It monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a defined set of security rules. Also, it provides a system scale which is allowing ‘X’ from your users to access the internet while ‘Y’ have no, ‘L’ has access to social media websites while ‘Z’ can’t ...etc.

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